1. The Role of Atmospheric Parameters and Turbulence on Meteor Trail Evolution: Analysis and Simulations Open Access Author: Hibit, Elijah Ben Title: The Role of Atmospheric Parameters and Turbulence on Meteor Trail Evolution: Analysis and Simulations Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: meteornumericmodelradartrailnon-specularunderdense File: Download ebh130-Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Julio Urbina, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJulio Urbina, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorZhiwen Liu, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Investigation of meteors and their impact on the sodium layer in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere Open Access Author: Li, Yanlin Title: Investigation of meteors and their impact on the sodium layer in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: meteoratmospheric sodium layeratmosphere chemistryradarradar signal processingdeep learning File: Download Thesis_v6.pdf Committee Members: Madhavan Swaminathan, Program Head/ChairWilliam Bristow, Outside Unit & Field MemberQihou Zhou, Special MemberTim Kane, Major Field MemberJulio Urbina, Chair & Co-Dissertation AdvisrTai-Yin Huang, Major Field Member & Dissertation Advisor