1. Fabrication of Nanostructured Copper Oxide via Anodization in Organic Electrolytes Open Access Author: Scopelianos, George Evan Title: Fabrication of Nanostructured Copper Oxide via Anodization in Organic Electrolytes Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: foilcopper oxidepotentiostaticanodizationanodic oxidationelectrochemistrynanotubenanowirenanostructurephotoelectrochemicalphotocurrentsolar cellwater splittingmetal oxideelectrolyteethylene glycoldimethyl sulfoxideaqueous File: Download GES_M.S._Thesis_V2.pdf Committee Members: Joan Marie Redwing, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJoan Marie Redwing, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Mechanistic Studies on Selective Adsorption of Thiophenic Compounds on TiO2-CeO2 Oxides Open Access Author: Watanabe, Shingo Title: Mechanistic Studies on Selective Adsorption of Thiophenic Compounds on TiO2-CeO2 Oxides Graduate Program: Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering Keywords: desulfurizationadsorptionmetal oxidethiopheneCeO2TiO2 File: Download Shingo-PhDThesis-Dec-10-07.pdf Committee Members: Chunshan Song, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAndre Louis Boehman, Committee MemberSridhar Komarneni, Committee MemberAngela Lueking, Committee Member
3. Directed assembly of metal oxide nanowire sensors for low-power CMOS enabled gas sensing arrays Open Access Author: Zhong, Xiahua Title: Directed assembly of metal oxide nanowire sensors for low-power CMOS enabled gas sensing arrays Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: metal oxidenanowiregas sensing arrayCMOSlow power File: Download Xiahua_PhD_Thesis_Vsubmit_April12_2015.pdf Committee Members: Theresa Stellwag Mayer, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorChristine Dolan Keating, Committee MemberSuman Datta, Committee MemberJoan Marie Redwing, Committee Member