1. Evaluation of Putative Cell Surface Markers That Characterize Human and Murine Adipose Derived Stem Cells Open Access Author: Maddox, Jacquelyln Renee Title: Evaluation of Putative Cell Surface Markers That Characterize Human and Murine Adipose Derived Stem Cells Graduate Program: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: bone formationstem cell markermesenchymal stem celladipose derived stem cellSSEA-4osteogenic File: Download Final_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Christopher Niyibizi, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorChristopher Niyibizi, Committee Chair/Co-ChairLaura Carrel, Committee MemberHenry Joseph Donahue, Committee MemberCara Lynne Schengrund, Committee MemberKent Eugene Vrana, Committee Member
2. THE EFFECT OF MICROFIBER MORPHOLOHY AND CELL DENSITY ON THE LOCALIZATION OF YAP PROTEIN IN MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS Open Access Author: Steltz, Austin E Title: THE EFFECT OF MICROFIBER MORPHOLOHY AND CELL DENSITY ON THE LOCALIZATION OF YAP PROTEIN IN MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS Graduate Program: Bioengineering Keywords: mesenchymal stem cellmscmouseYAPYes Associated ProteinTransduceMechanotransductionbiologybiomedical engineeringmicrofibersfibersflatelectrospinningconfluencecell density File: Download Austin_Steltz_Thesis_Graduate_School.pdf Committee Members: Justin Lee Brown, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorWilliam O Hancock, Committee MemberYong Wang, Committee Member
3. CONTROLLING STEM CELL FATE VIA HIGHLY ORGANIZED 2.5-DIMENSIONAL BIO-INSTRUCTIVE FIBROUS SCAFFOLDS Open Access Author: Buluk, Merve Title: CONTROLLING STEM CELL FATE VIA HIGHLY ORGANIZED 2.5-DIMENSIONAL BIO-INSTRUCTIVE FIBROUS SCAFFOLDS Graduate Program: Bioengineering Keywords: mesenchymal stem cellosteogenesisnanofiberadditive manufacturingmicroRNAcell-material interactionsbio-instructive scaffolds File: Download Masters_Thesis_Merve_Buluk_Summer_19.pdf Committee Members: Justin Brown, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSpencer Szczesny, Committee MemberWilliam Hancock, Committee Member