1. Maternal Depression, Negative Parenting Practices, and Child Oppositional-Aggression: Bidirectional Influences over Time Open Access Author: Mathis, Erin Theresa Barbato Title: Maternal Depression, Negative Parenting Practices, and Child Oppositional-Aggression: Bidirectional Influences over Time Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: maternal depressionparentingparenting practicesaggressionoppositionallongitudinalbidirectional File: Download Dissertation_Defense_FINAL_WITH_FORMATTING.pdf Committee Members: Karen Linn Bierman, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorKaren Linn Bierman, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGinger A Moore, Committee MemberKristin Buss, Committee MemberJanet Agnes Welsh, Outside Member
2. Depressed Mother's Positive Affect with their Partners and their Infants: Evidence for Compensatory Effects Open Access Author: Level, Rachel Title: Depressed Mother's Positive Affect with their Partners and their Infants: Evidence for Compensatory Effects Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: maternal depressionparentinginfancyfamily systemscompensatoryspillovermarital conflict File: Download RL_Masters_2019.pdf Committee Members: Ginger A Moore, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKristin Ann Buss, Committee MemberAmy Dyanna Marshall, Committee Member