1. Mammary Epithelial Cell Subtype-Specific Analysis of Ras Pathway Activation Open Access Author: Plichta, Kristin Ann Title: Mammary Epithelial Cell Subtype-Specific Analysis of Ras Pathway Activation Graduate Program: Cell and Molecular Biology Keywords: Rasmammary organoidsbreast cancertransgenic micemammary epithelial cells File: Download PlichtaThesis.pdfDownload Plichta_pgs_145-146.pdfDownload Plichta_pgs_147-150.pdfDownload Plichta_pgs_151-156.pdfDownload Plichta_pgs_157-160.pdf Committee Members: Edward Joseph Gunther, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorEdward Joseph Gunther, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAndrea Manni, Committee MemberChristopher Alan Siedlecki, Committee MemberLisa M Shantz, Committee Member