1. A Comparative Study of the Anatomy and Functional Morphology of the Mammalian Nasal Cavity Open Access Author: Quigley, Andrew Patrick Title: A Comparative Study of the Anatomy and Functional Morphology of the Mammalian Nasal Cavity Graduate Program: Bioengineering Keywords: mammalnasal airwaythree-dimensional anatomyreconstructionmorphometrymagnetic resonance imagingrespirationolfaction File: Download Quigley_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Brent Craven, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael H Krane, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. COARSE AND FINE-SCALE DETERMINANTS OF SPECIES RANGE BOUNDARIES Open Access Author: Amburgey, Staci Title: COARSE AND FINE-SCALE DETERMINANTS OF SPECIES RANGE BOUNDARIES Graduate Program: Ecology Keywords: species distribution modelingrange dynamicsbioclimatic envelope modelspecies occupancy modelamphibianreptilemammalclimate changeinterspecific competitionmultispecieshabitat fragmentation File: Download AmburgeyDissertation2019Jan.pdf Committee Members: David Miller, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid Andrew Miller, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMatthew R. Marshall, Committee MemberTyler Wagner, Committee MemberTracy Langkilde, Outside MemberEvan Grant, Special Member