1. Protecting software from attack and theft via program analysis Open Access Author: Wang, Xinran Title: Protecting software from attack and theft via program analysis Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: software securitysoftware plagiarism detectionmalware detectionprogram analysis File: Download Xinran-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Sencun Zhu, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorSencun Zhu, Committee Chair/Co-ChairPeng Liu, Committee MemberGuohong Cao, Committee MemberZan Huang, Committee Member
2. A Framework for Mining Significant Subgraphs and Its Application in Malware Analysis Open Access Author: Palahan, Sirinda Title: A Framework for Mining Significant Subgraphs and Its Application in Malware Analysis Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: Significant subgraphsubgraph miningmalware behaviormalware detection File: Download sirinda_main_final.pdf Committee Members: Daniel Kifer, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRobert Collins, Committee MemberJohn Joseph Hannan, Committee MemberC Lee Giles, Committee MemberLee David Coraor, Committee Member