1. FACILITATING YOUTH CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: CLIMBING THE LADDER OF COMMUNITY AWARENESS & CIVIC ACTION Open Access Author: Bradley, Sean Michael Title: FACILITATING YOUTH CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: CLIMBING THE LADDER OF COMMUNITY AWARENESS & CIVIC ACTION Graduate Program: Educational Theory and Policy Keywords: teacher autonomyteacher leadershipyouth civic engagementstudent voiceservice-learningloose coupling File: Download Sean_Bradley_--_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Committee Members: Dana Lynn Mitra, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Wilson’s Mantra: Sensemaking, Loose Coupling, and the Intramural Economic Engagement Interface at the University Of Massachusetts Open Access Author: Woodell, James Kenneth Title: Wilson’s Mantra: Sensemaking, Loose Coupling, and the Intramural Economic Engagement Interface at the University Of Massachusetts Graduate Program: Higher Education Keywords: sensemakingloose couplinguniversitiesorganizational theoryeconomic developmentadministrationpublic policy File: Download Woodell_Dissertation_Final_20140907.pdf Committee Members: John Jesse Cheslock, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRobert M Hendrickson, Committee MemberCraig D Weidemann, Committee MemberGoktug Morcol, Committee Member