1. BIOLOGICAL PRETREATMENTS OF CORN STOVER BIOMASS THROUGH AEROBIC AND ANAEROBIC SOLID SUBSTRATE FERMENTATION Open Access Author: Tanjore, Deepti Title: BIOLOGICAL PRETREATMENTS OF CORN STOVER BIOMASS THROUGH AEROBIC AND ANAEROBIC SOLID SUBSTRATE FERMENTATION Graduate Program: Agricultural and Biological Engineering Keywords: ensilagestoragepretreatmentbiomasscorn stoverfermentationethanolbiofuellignocellulosic biomasswhite rot fungi File: Download Final_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Thomas Lehman Richard, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorThomas Lehman Richard, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDr Patrick Cirino, Committee MemberAli Demirci, Committee MemberJohn Michael Regan, Committee MemberMing Tien, Committee Member