1. THE CONTRIBUTION OF A SUMMER CAMPING PROGRAM TO PARTICIPATION ASPIRATIONS FOR A YOUTH’S USE OF LEISURE TIME Open Access Author: Rubenstein, Brandon S Title: THE CONTRIBUTION OF A SUMMER CAMPING PROGRAM TO PARTICIPATION ASPIRATIONS FOR A YOUTH’S USE OF LEISURE TIME Graduate Program: Youth and Family Education Keywords: low incomecampquantitativeleisure timechildrenyouthunderprivligedincomeawesome File: Download BrandonRubensteinThesis2.pdf Committee Members: Jacklyn A Bruce, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorConstance A Flanagan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Daily Stress, Leisure Time, and Affective Outcomes among Adult Americans: A within-person examination using daily diary data Open Access Author: Qian, Xinyi Title: Daily Stress, Leisure Time, and Affective Outcomes among Adult Americans: A within-person examination using daily diary data Graduate Program: Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Keywords: leisure timedaily stress frequencystress severityaffectwell-beingbetween-person difference in within-person change File: Download Dissertation_Xinyi_Lisa_Qian_Final.pdf Committee Members: Careen M Yarnal, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDavid Manuel Almeida, Committee MemberGarry Chick, Committee MemberHarry Zinn, Committee Member