1. Fractal Modeling of Lightning, Blue Jets, and Gigantic Jets Open Access Author: Riousset, Jérémy André Title: Fractal Modeling of Lightning, Blue Jets, and Gigantic Jets Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: transient luminous eventgigantic jetblue jetstreamer-to-spark transitionstreamer-to-leader transitionsparkarcleaderstreamerplasmalightningstormthundercloud File: Download Riousset-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Victor P Pasko, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorVictor P Pasko, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJohn David Mathews, Committee MemberHampton Nelson Shirer, Committee MemberDouglas Henry Werner, Committee Member
2. Leader Error Recovery: Apology, Blame, & Denial as Tactics for Repairing Leader-Subordinate Relationships Open Access Author: Cushenbery, Liliya Title: Leader Error Recovery: Apology, Blame, & Denial as Tactics for Repairing Leader-Subordinate Relationships Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: competenceleadershipsubordinateserrorsleadermistakes File: Download Cushenbery_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Dr Sam Hunter, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSamuel Todd Hunter, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor