1. Assessing the Impact of Legal Issues on Private Boarding Schools Open Access Author: Duncan, Angela Lydia Title: Assessing the Impact of Legal Issues on Private Boarding Schools Graduate Program: Educational Leadership Keywords: boarding schoolslawethicsdecision-makingturbulence theoryindependent schools File: Download A_Duncan-_final_submission_to_thesis_office.pdf Committee Members: Dr Preston Green, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorPreston Green, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJacqueline A Stefkovich, Committee MemberNona Ann Prestine, Committee MemberDaniel Robert Cahoy, Committee Member
2. INCENTIVIZING POST-PICS INTEGRATION IN OVERWHELMING UNCERTAINTY Open Access Author: Peterson, Lyn Rainelle Title: INCENTIVIZING POST-PICS INTEGRATION IN OVERWHELMING UNCERTAINTY Graduate Program: Educational Theory and Policy Keywords: inducementTechnical Assistance for Student Assignment Plansgrantintegrationdiversityraceimplementationlaw File: Download FINAL_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Mindy L Kornhaber, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor