1. Analysis of the International Residential Code 2006 Low Rise Wood Frame Building Bracing Requirements for Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Myers, Tanya L Title: Analysis of the International Residential Code 2006 Low Rise Wood Frame Building Bracing Requirements for Pennsylvania Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: braced wallsshear wallsbracingwind recordswind speedsstatisticsengineeringstructuralresidentiallowlow riselow rise buildingswood constructionhouseshousingWood frame constructionIRC 20062006International Residential CodeIRCloadslateral loadswindASCE 7gypsum wallsexterior wallsinterior wallsstructural panelsanalytical modelrigid beam modelrigid plate modelextreme windwind engineering File: Download TanyaMyersMSThesisFinal.pdf Committee Members: Dr Kasal, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorBohumil Kasal, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Behavior of Concrete-Filled Tube Through-Beam Connections Subjected to Varying Load Rates Open Access Author: O'Hare, Edward Vincent Title: Behavior of Concrete-Filled Tube Through-Beam Connections Subjected to Varying Load Rates Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: Through-beamsteelconcreteconnectionlateral loadsblastimpactquasi-staticconcrete-filled tubeThrough-connection File: Download OHare_Dissertation_Final_Draft.pdf Committee Members: Tong Qiu, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorZoltan Ivan Rado, Committee MemberSean Brennan, Committee MemberDaniel Linzell, Special Member