1. MYO-INOSITOL OXYGENASE: MOLECULAR ENZYMOLOGY AND TISSUE SPECIFIC EXPRESSION Open Access Author: Arner, Ryan Jason Title: MYO-INOSITOL OXYGENASE: MOLECULAR ENZYMOLOGY AND TISSUE SPECIFIC EXPRESSION Graduate Program: Genetics Keywords: mono-oxygenasekidneyd-glucuronatediabetes File: Download RyanArnerthesis.pdf Committee Members: Ming Tien, Committee MemberAvery August, Committee MemberMadhu Reddy, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJohn Patrick Vanden Heuvel, Committee Member
2. Vitamin A Metabolism and Kinetics During the Neonatal Period: Studies in the Rat Model Open Access Author: Hodges, Joanna Kalina Title: Vitamin A Metabolism and Kinetics During the Neonatal Period: Studies in the Rat Model Graduate Program: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: nutritionmicronutrientsvitamin Aretinolneonatenewborninfantmetabolismsupplementationmathematical modelingtissue distributionliverlungkidneybrainadipose tissueskinmusclerat File: Download Dissertation_-_JK_Hodges_-_2016.pdf Committee Members: A. Catharine Ross, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael H. Green, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGregory C. Shearer, Committee MemberKevin J. Harvatine, Committee MemberKevin J. Harvatine, Outside Member
3. Establishing In Vivo and Ex Vivo Methods to Investigate the Role of p90RSK in Chronic Kidney Disease Open Access Author: White, Samantha Title: Establishing In Vivo and Ex Vivo Methods to Investigate the Role of p90RSK in Chronic Kidney Disease Graduate Program: Biomedical Sciences Keywords: p90RSKChronic Kidney Diseasefibrosisnephropathykidneyfibroblast File: Download Masters_Thesis_SA_White.pdf Committee Members: Kebin Hu, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorCharles H Lang, Committee MemberLisa M Shantz, Committee MemberRalph Lauren Keil, Program Head/Chair
4. The effect of gas composition on the color Doppler ultrasound twinkling artifact in kidney stones Open Access Author: Brownstead, Laura Title: The effect of gas composition on the color Doppler ultrasound twinkling artifact in kidney stones Graduate Program: Acoustics Keywords: kidney stonestwinklingdoppler powerultrasoundclinical studyambient gasurinary tractkidney File: Download Brownstead_MS_20240315.pdf Committee Members: Julianna Simon, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAndrea P. Arguelles, Committee MemberAndrew Barnard, Program Head/ChairYun Jing, Committee Member