1. CLAY MINERAL REACTIVITY ACROSS SCALES UTILIZING SOLID-STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE Open Access Author: Sanders, Rebecca L. Title: CLAY MINERAL REACTIVITY ACROSS SCALES UTILIZING SOLID-STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: reactive surface areaclay mineralsNMRdissolutionkaolinitemontmorilloniteShale HillsTFS File: Download RLSanders_Dissertation_110411.pdf Committee Members: Karl Todd Mueller, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorKarl Todd Mueller, Committee Chair/Co-ChairBarbara Jane Garrison, Committee MemberJohn B Asbury, Committee MemberJames David Kubicki, Committee Member
2. Polyacrylamide-Treated Kaolin clay: A Fabric Study Open Access Author: Kim, Sung ho Title: Polyacrylamide-Treated Kaolin clay: A Fabric Study Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: SEMpolymerkaoliniteliquid limitsedimentationviscosityfabric studykaolin claypolyacrylamidemicrocompositenanocomposite File: Download Sungho_Kim__2008_.pdf Committee Members: Angelica Palomino, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAngelica M Palomino, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Swelling of Clay Minerals and Its Impact on Permeability Open Access Author: Aksu, Irem Yasar Title: Swelling of Clay Minerals and Its Impact on Permeability Graduate Program: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: Montmorillonitekaoliniteclay swellingclay coatingsporosity-permeability relationshipsX-ray micro-computed tomography File: Download Irem_Aksu_MS_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Zuleima T Karpyn, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HETEROGENEOUS ICE NUCLEI IN THE ATMOSPHERE Open Access Author: Sihvonen, Sarah Kraft Title: CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HETEROGENEOUS ICE NUCLEI IN THE ATMOSPHERE Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: atmospheric aerosolice nucleationX-ray diffractionmineral dustclay mineralkaolinitemontmorillonitefly ashphotoacoustic File: Download Sihvonen_Dissertation_Final.pdf Committee Members: Miriam Arak Freedman, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor