1. HEAT TRANSFER AND FRICTION FACTOR AUGMENTATION IN RIB TURBULATED FLOW Open Access Author: Neely, Gaelyn L Title: HEAT TRANSFER AND FRICTION FACTOR AUGMENTATION IN RIB TURBULATED FLOW Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: heat transferfriction factorinternal flowribs File: Download Gaelyn_Neely_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Karen Ann Thole, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKaren Ann Thole, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Effect of Grid Topology and Resolution on Computation of Steady and Unsteady Internal Flows Open Access Author: McHale, Steven Patrick Title: Effect of Grid Topology and Resolution on Computation of Steady and Unsteady Internal Flows Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: openfoampulsatileinternal flowgrid topologygrid study File: Download MastersThesis.pdf Committee Members: Eric Paterson, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorEric G Paterson, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Dust Feed and Weave Topology Effects in Gas Turbine Cooling Open Access Author: Cory, Trevor Title: Dust Feed and Weave Topology Effects in Gas Turbine Cooling Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: gas turbinedepositionceramic matrix compositeinternal flowheat transferweave surfacedust feedeffusion flow File: Download Cory_Thesis_Dec_2020.pdf Committee Members: Karen Ann Thole, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorStephen P Lynch, Committee MemberDaniel Connell Haworth, Program Head/Chair