1. Experimental pore-scale analysis of fluid interfacial areas in oil-wet and water-wet bead packs Open Access Author: Landry, Christopher James Title: Experimental pore-scale analysis of fluid interfacial areas in oil-wet and water-wet bead packs Graduate Program: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: Meniscusinterfacial areacomputed microtomographymultiphasewettabilitypore-scalehysteresis File: Download Thesis_C.Landry_finaldraft.pdf Committee Members: Zuleima T Karpyn, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorZuleima T Karpyn, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Microtomography Imaging of Fluid Distribution and Interfacial Area in Bead Packs under Variable Axial Loading Open Access Author: Konya, Samet Title: Microtomography Imaging of Fluid Distribution and Interfacial Area in Bead Packs under Variable Axial Loading Graduate Program: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: compactionporositypermeabilityrelative permeabilityresidual saturationsurface areainterfacial area File: Download 1-Samet_Konya_MS_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Zuleima T Karpyn, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor