1. THE BRAIN RESPONSE TO FOOD PORTION SIZE AND ENERGY DENSITY IN 7-10 YEAR OLD CHILDREN Open Access Author: English, Laural Kelly Title: THE BRAIN RESPONSE TO FOOD PORTION SIZE AND ENERGY DENSITY IN 7-10 YEAR OLD CHILDREN Graduate Program: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: Portion sizeenergy densitypediatric obesityneuroimagingappetitive traitsinhibitory controlrewardfood cuesfMRIhypothalamusinferior frontal gyrusorbitofrontal cortex File: Download 1-263_Final.pdf Committee Members: Kathleen Loralee Keller, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorKathleen Loralee Keller, Committee Chair/Co-ChairBarbara Jean Rolls, Committee MemberRebecca L Corwin, Committee MemberCharles Geier, Outside MemberMarian Tanofsky-Kraff, Special Member