1. EFFECTS OF EXERCISE AND GENETIC STRAIN ON BONE STRENGTH, MUSCULOSKELETAL GENE EXPRESSION AND ACTIVITY LEVELS IN C57BL/6J AND DBA/2J ADULT FEMALE MICE Open Access Author: Preston, Holly Title: EFFECTS OF EXERCISE AND GENETIC STRAIN ON BONE STRENGTH, MUSCULOSKELETAL GENE EXPRESSION AND ACTIVITY LEVELS IN C57BL/6J AND DBA/2J ADULT FEMALE MICE Graduate Program: Kinesiology Keywords: exercisebonemuscleinbred micegeneticsbiomechanics File: Download HOLLY_PRESTON_DISSERTATION.pdf Committee Members: Neil Sharkey, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorTeresa Caroldean Lang, Committee Chair/Co-ChairNeil Sharkey, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRobert Barry Eckhardt, Committee MemberDouglas Cavener, Committee Member