1. IMPLICIT COGNITIVE BIASES, RACIAL ATTITUDES, AND THREAT DETECTION Open Access Author: Grimaldi, Elizabeth Mary Title: IMPLICIT COGNITIVE BIASES, RACIAL ATTITUDES, AND THREAT DETECTION Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: implicit personalitycognitive biasessignal detectionracial biasesimplicit attitudesthreat detection File: Download Final_Thesis_Document_Grimaldi.pdf Committee Members: James Marshall Lebreton, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKisha Shannon Jones, Committee MemberRichard Alan Carlson, Committee Member
2. PERSONALITY & INCENTIVES: THE INTERPLAY AMONG EXECUTIVE PERSONALITY, STOCK OPTIONS, AND FINANCIAL MISREPRESENTATION Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Grimaldi, Elizabeth Mary Title: PERSONALITY & INCENTIVES: THE INTERPLAY AMONG EXECUTIVE PERSONALITY, STOCK OPTIONS, AND FINANCIAL MISREPRESENTATION Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: executive personalityimplicit personalitystock optionsexecutive compensationpersonalityfraudunethical behaviorfinancial restatementbounded rationality File: Login to Download Committee Members: James Marshall Lebreton, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJames Marshall Lebreton, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRick R Jacobs, Committee MemberRustin David Meyer, Committee MemberDonald C Hambrick, Outside Member