1. Surface Kinetic Effects on Ice Nucleation in Cirrus Clouds Open Access Author: Sherman, Benjamin Lee Title: Surface Kinetic Effects on Ice Nucleation in Cirrus Clouds Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: cloud physicsdeposition coefficientice nucleationice crystal growthcirrussurface kinetic resistance File: Download ShermanThesisFinal.pdf Committee Members: Jerry Y Harrington, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohannes Verlinde, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorEugene Edmund Clothiaux, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. The Growth Rate of Ice Crystals Formed from Frozen Solution Droplets: Laboratory Measurements and Power-law Parameterization Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Rui, Dixuan Title: The Growth Rate of Ice Crystals Formed from Frozen Solution Droplets: Laboratory Measurements and Power-law Parameterization Graduate Program: Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Keywords: cloud physicscirrus cloudice crystal growthsolution drop freezinglaboratory File: Login to Download Committee Members: Jerry Y Harrington, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorWilliam Henry Brune, Committee MemberPaul Markowski, Program Head/ChairAnthony Carl Didlake, Jr., Committee Member