1. Production Performance Analysis of Multi-stage Hydraulic Fracture Designs in Tight Sands Open Access Author: Wang, Haotian Title: Production Performance Analysis of Multi-stage Hydraulic Fracture Designs in Tight Sands Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: hydraulic fracturesimulationLGRtight sands File: Download Master_Thisis_-_Haotian_Wang.pdf Committee Members: Turgay Ertekin, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. The Influence of Fluid Properties on Geometric Complexity and Breakdown Pressure of Hydraulic Fracture Open Access Author: Alpern, Jennifer Staci Title: The Influence of Fluid Properties on Geometric Complexity and Breakdown Pressure of Hydraulic Fracture Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: hydraulic fractureunconventionalhydrocarbongeology File: Download Alpern_MSThesis_all.pdf Committee Members: Chris Marone, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. DEVELOPMENT OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS FOR HYDRAULICALLY FRACTURED HORIZONTAL WELLS IN FAULTED SHALE GAS RESERVOIRS Open Access Author: Oz, Sinan Title: DEVELOPMENT OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS FOR HYDRAULICALLY FRACTURED HORIZONTAL WELLS IN FAULTED SHALE GAS RESERVOIRS Graduate Program: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: artificial neural networkshydraulic fracturehorizontal wellshale gas reservoir File: Download MS_Thesis_Sinan_OZ_final2.pdf Committee Members: Turgay Ertekin, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. Impact Of Co2 On Fracture Complexity When Used As A Fracture Fluid In Rock Open Access Author: Culp, Brian Michael Title: Impact Of Co2 On Fracture Complexity When Used As A Fracture Fluid In Rock Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: Rock MechanicsFracturingUnconventionalBluestonePMMAhydraulic fracturehydrocarbongeology File: Download MSThesis_BrianCulp.pdf Committee Members: Chris J Marone, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDerek Elsworth, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorCharles James Ammon, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor