1. ADAPTIVE COMMUNICATIVE BEHAVIOR OF MOTHERS AND THEIR ADULT DAUGHTERS AFTER A BREAST CANCER DIAGNOSIS Open Access Author: Fisher, Carla L. Title: ADAPTIVE COMMUNICATIVE BEHAVIOR OF MOTHERS AND THEIR ADULT DAUGHTERS AFTER A BREAST CANCER DIAGNOSIS Graduate Program: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: socioemotional selectivity theorylife-span communicationfamily communicationmother-daughter relationshipopen communicationavoidanceemotional supportbreast cancerturning pointhuman developmenttransition File: Download Carla_L_Fisher_-_Dissertation_PDF_File.pdf Committee Members: Jon F Nussbaum, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDennis Stephen Gouran, Committee MemberMichelle E Day, Committee MemberMelissa Hardy, Committee Member
2. Child Maltreatment and Psychopathology Symptoms: The Impact of Developmental Timing and Contamination Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Dunning, Emily Title: Child Maltreatment and Psychopathology Symptoms: The Impact of Developmental Timing and Contamination Graduate Program: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: child maltreatmentpsychopathologychild developmentdevelopmental timingchronicityearly childhoodcontaminationhuman developmentpsychology File: Login to Download Committee Members: Chad Edward Shenk, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSteffany Fredman, Committee MemberDouglas Teti, Program Head/ChairZachary Fisher, Committee Member