1. A boundary-line approach to dendroecological release criteria Open Access Author: Black, Bryan Andrew Title: A boundary-line approach to dendroecological release criteria Graduate Program: Forest Resources Keywords: dendrochronologyhistorical ecologyforest dynamicsdisturbance ecologyrelease criteriaeastern hemlock File: Download etd.pdf Committee Members: Marc David Abrams, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKim C Steiner, Committee MemberRoger Tai Koide, Committee MemberDavid Eissenstat, Committee Member
2. Physical Habitat Recovery in a Former Dam Impoundment Open Access Author: Slawson, Deborah Title: Physical Habitat Recovery in a Former Dam Impoundment Graduate Program: Ecology Keywords: bedload transporthistorical ecologydam removalphysical ecologysediment hydrologygeoarchaeology File: Download slawson.pdf Committee Members: Kenneth Tamminga, Committee Chair/Co-ChairChristopher Uhl, Committee Chair/Co-ChairToby Nahum Carlson, Committee MemberCarline, Robert, Committee Member
3. Informing Environmental History with Historical Ecology: Agricultural Wetlands in New Netherland, 1630-1830. Open Access Author: Teale, Chelsea Lynn Title: Informing Environmental History with Historical Ecology: Agricultural Wetlands in New Netherland, 1630-1830. Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: New YorkNew Netherlandenvironmental historyhistorical ecologyXRFSordariawetlands File: Download TealeDissertation.pdf Committee Members: Deryck William Holdsworth, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorAlan Taylor, Committee MemberRobert P Brooks, Committee MemberSally Mcmurry, Committee Member