1. AN ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSES OF SHADOW EDUCATION IN THE ERA OF THE SCHOOLED SOCIETY Open Access Author: Kim, Hyung-kee Title: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSES OF SHADOW EDUCATION IN THE ERA OF THE SCHOOLED SOCIETY Graduate Program: Educational Theory and Policy Keywords: Shadow educationprivate tutoringhakwonformal schoolingformal educationpublic schoolpublic schoolsafterschool classafterschool programsNCLBBakerBrayInstitutionsupplementary institutionritualparental satisfactionenrichment motiveenrichment strategyremedial motiveremedial strategyout of school lessonout-of-school lessonout of school classout-of-school classESCSachievementsachievement scoreSESprivate internal rateIRRwage premiumreturn of educational investmentconflict theorystatus competitionhigher education expansionhuman capital theoryfunctionalismneo-institutionalismSchofer and MeyerMeyerthe expansion of higher educationBarro-LeeGDP per capitapublic social expenditurewelfarewelfare statehigh-stakes testinghigh-stakes testschool qualityquality of schoolingpublic educational expenditurehigher education enrollment File: Download 1___Final__Dissertation___Hyung-Kee_Kim___analysis_page_number.pdf Committee Members: David P Baker, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid P Baker, Committee Chair/Co-ChairSoo Yong Byun, Committee MemberRoger C Shouse, Committee MemberEdgar Paul Yoder, Committee Member