1. (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-BASED LEAD-FREE HIGH POWER PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSFORMERS Open Access Author: Gurdal, Erkan Ahmet Title: (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-BASED LEAD-FREE HIGH POWER PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSFORMERS Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: transformerhigh powerlead-freePiezoelectric File: Download gurdalea_Ms2011.pdf Committee Members: Kenji Uchino, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKenji Uchino, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Characterization of the High Power Properties of Piezoelectric Ceramics using the Burst Method: Methodology, Analysis, and Experimental Approach Open Access Author: Shekhani, Husain Naseem Title: Characterization of the High Power Properties of Piezoelectric Ceramics using the Burst Method: Methodology, Analysis, and Experimental Approach Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: piezoelectrichigh powerPZTceramictransducer File: Download dissertation-shekhani-2016-5-19.pdf Committee Members: Kenji Uchino, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor