1. A Fully Bayesian Approach to the Efficient Global Optimization Algorithm Open Access Author: Davanloo Tajbakhsh, Sam Title: A Fully Bayesian Approach to the Efficient Global Optimization Algorithm Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: Global optimizationgeostatisticshierarchical modelexpected improvement File: Download MSThesis.pdf Committee Members: James Landis Rosenberger, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF CHROMOSOME CONFORMATION DATA AND OTHER OMIC DATA Open Access Author: Shen, Frank Title: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF CHROMOSOME CONFORMATION DATA AND OTHER OMIC DATA Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: statisticsnonnegative matrix factorizationHi-CChromosome Conformationhierarchical model File: Download FrankShenDissertation.pdf Committee Members: Qunhua Li, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorNaomi S Altman, Committee Chair/Co-ChairFrancesca Chiaromonte, Committee MemberNA, Committee MemberShaun Mahony, Outside Member