1. CFD INVESTIGATION OF UNSTEADY ROTORCRAFT AIRFOIL AERODYNAMICS Open Access Author: Coder, James George Title: CFD INVESTIGATION OF UNSTEADY ROTORCRAFT AIRFOIL AERODYNAMICS Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: gurney flapmiteairfoilunsteadyaerodynamicsbladerotorhelicopterrotorcraftCFDaerospace engineeringgridoversetRANSDES File: Download CoderThesis.pdf Committee Members: Mark David Maughmer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMark David Maughmer, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Governmentality, the Grid, and the Beginnings of a Critical Spatial History of the Geo-coded World Open Access Author: Rose-Redwood, Reuben Skye Title: Governmentality, the Grid, and the Beginnings of a Critical Spatial History of the Geo-coded World Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: Foucaultstreet and house numberinggeo-coded worldgridgovernmentalitycritical spatial historyurban historical geographyMarxian geographypolitical economyNew York City File: Download PhD_Dissertation_FINALCOPY.pdf Committee Members: Melissa Wright, Committee MemberJames P Mc Carthy, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDaniel Leonhard Purdy, Committee MemberJeremy S Packer, Committee Member
3. Advanced grid-stiffened composite shells for applications in heavy-lift helicopter rotor blade spars Open Access Author: Narayanan Nampy, Sreenivas Title: Advanced grid-stiffened composite shells for applications in heavy-lift helicopter rotor blade spars Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: compositesstructuresrotor bladesgrid-stiffenedgridsparheavy-lift rotor bladebucklingstiffnessstrength File: Download Sreeni_dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Edward C Smith, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorEdward C Smith, Committee Chair/Co-ChairCharles E Bakis, Committee MemberFarhan S Gandhi, Committee MemberClifford Jesse Lissenden Iii, Committee Member