1. Money, Math and Engineering: The Relationships Between Community Economics, Math Preparation and the Graduation of Racially Underrepresented Engineers Open Access Author: Freeman, Amy Louise Title: Money, Math and Engineering: The Relationships Between Community Economics, Math Preparation and the Graduation of Racially Underrepresented Engineers Graduate Program: Workforce Education and Development Keywords: predictionrecruitmentmath programsminority engineering programSTEMpovertyraceretentionmoneyprecollegeunderrepresentedminority engineeringminoritymath preparationsummer bridgehigh school fundingMEPdiversitygraduationengineeringmulticulturalfundinghigh schoolengineering shortagePenn State File: Download Final_Document2.pdf Committee Members: William J Rothwell, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorWilliam J Rothwell, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJudith Ann Kolb, Committee MemberEdgar Paul Yoder, Committee MemberKenneth Carter Gray, Committee Member
2. A STUDY OF COLLEGE STUDENT GRADUATION USING DISCRETE TIME SURVIVAL ANALYSIS Open Access Author: Deike, Randall C Title: A STUDY OF COLLEGE STUDENT GRADUATION USING DISCRETE TIME SURVIVAL ANALYSIS Graduate Program: Educational Psychology Keywords: retentiongraduationsurvival analysis File: Download etd.pdf Committee Members: Dennis Michael Roberts, Committee Chair/Co-ChairEdmond Marks, Committee MemberJohn D Swisher, Committee MemberRobert Leslie Hale, Committee Member