1. A study on compensation strategies and their effects on corporations in a global context Open Access Author: Kim, Wonseok Title: A study on compensation strategies and their effects on corporations in a global context Graduate Program: Human Resources and Employment Relations Keywords: compensationrewardglobalIHRMSHRMnational cultureorganizational performanceemployee motivationhuman resources managementcontext File: Download Thesis_after_final_defence-2.pdf Committee Members: Elaine Farndale, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorXiangmin Liu, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorLeonard Pollack, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Design and Verification of a Low-Power GPS-Disciplined Oscillator For Use In Distributed Sensor Arrays Open Access Author: Boehmer, Tyler J Title: Design and Verification of a Low-Power GPS-Disciplined Oscillator For Use In Distributed Sensor Arrays Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: GPSdisciplinedoscillatorglobalpositioningsystemclocklowpowerdistributedsensorarraynetworkreflectometry File: Download TylerBoehmer-Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Sven G Bilen, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. "Am I North American or South American?" Theorizing and Studying Living Curricula of the Global Open Access Author: Diaz Beltran, Ana Carolina Title: "Am I North American or South American?" Theorizing and Studying Living Curricula of the Global Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: curriculumcitizenshipglobal citizenshipLatinas/osimmigrantyouthHazletonliving curriculumplaceglobalstoriesstoryingnarrative File: Download DiazBeltran._Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Mark Thomas Kissling, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorMark Thomas Kissling, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGail Louise Boldt, Committee MemberKimberly Anne Powell, Committee MemberEsther Susana Prins, Outside Member