1. Geographical Techniques to Quantify the Spatial Patterns of Precipitation in U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones Open Access Author: Matyas, Corene J. Title: Geographical Techniques to Quantify the Spatial Patterns of Precipitation in U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: rainfallhurricanegeographic information systemstropical cycloneprecipitationshape analysis File: Download matyasdiss.pdf Committee Members: Andrew Mark Carleton, Committee Chair/Co-ChairBrenton Yarnal, Committee MemberDonna Jean Peuquet, Committee MemberJenni Evans, Committee Member
2. UNDERSTANDING WORK WITH GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION IN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: A COGNITIVE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING APPROACH IN GISCIENCE Open Access Author: Brewer, Isaac Title: UNDERSTANDING WORK WITH GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION IN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: A COGNITIVE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING APPROACH IN GISCIENCE Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: GISciencecognitive systems engineeringemergency managementhuman computer interactiongeographic information systemsGIShurricanesmultimodal interfacesscenarios File: Download BrewerETD_Submit.pdf Committee Members: Alan Maceachren, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMark Gahegan, Committee MemberMichael David Mcneese, Committee MemberBrenton Yarnal, Committee Member
3. A Framework for Representing, Manipulating , and Reasoning with Geographic Semantics Open Access Author: O'Brien, James Anthony Title: A Framework for Representing, Manipulating , and Reasoning with Geographic Semantics Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: geographic information systemsgeographic information scienceexpert systemsrepresentationsemanticsvisualization File: Download Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Mark Gahegan, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMary Beth Rosson, Committee MemberPaul Desanker, Committee Member