1. Improving Properties of Plastics Printed by Material Extrusion: Thermal History, Post-Processing, and the Design of Core-Shell Structured Filaments Open Access Author: Ai, Jia Ruey Title: Improving Properties of Plastics Printed by Material Extrusion: Thermal History, Post-Processing, and the Design of Core-Shell Structured Filaments Graduate Program: Chemical Engineering Keywords: material extrusionfused deposition modelingcoextrusionpolymer compositefused filament fabricationadditive manufacturingcore-shell filament File: Download Penn_State_Jia-Ruey_Ai_PhD_thesis_final_version_v3.pdf Committee Members: Bryan Vogt, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorHui Yang, Outside Unit & Field MemberMichael Hickner, Major Field MemberSeong Kim, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate StudiesAmir Sheikhi, Major Field Member