1. EXPLICIT SECOND LANGUAGE VOCABULARY LEARNING: AN INVESTIGATION OF A GLOSS-EMBEDDED TEXT PLUS FORM, MEANING, AND USE EXERCISES Open Access Author: Ferguson, Jean Louise Title: EXPLICIT SECOND LANGUAGE VOCABULARY LEARNING: AN INVESTIGATION OF A GLOSS-EMBEDDED TEXT PLUS FORM, MEANING, AND USE EXERCISES Graduate Program: Applied Linguistics Keywords: L2 vocabularyformmeaning& use exercisesexplicit vocabulary learningtext & exercises File: Download Ferguson_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Paula Golombek, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorPaula Golombek, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKaren E Johnson, Committee MemberSusan G Strauss, Committee MemberPeggy Noel Van Meter, Committee Member
2. An Investigation on the Importance of Design form and Function: Market Success and Consumer Preference Open Access Author: Kim, Taehyun Title: An Investigation on the Importance of Design form and Function: Market Success and Consumer Preference Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: designformfunctionmarket successconsumer preference File: Download PSU_Thesis-Taehyun_8_4_09.pdf Committee Members: GÜL E Okudan Kremer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorGul Kremer, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor