1. TEST FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT FOR USE OF COAL COMBUSTION PRODUCTS (CCPS) IN EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION AND MINE LAND RECLAMATION Open Access Author: Plaks, Nicholas Title: TEST FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT FOR USE OF COAL COMBUSTION PRODUCTS (CCPS) IN EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION AND MINE LAND RECLAMATION Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: unconfined compression testFGD materialFBC ashbottom ashfly ashCCPsCoal combustion productshydraulic conductivityXRDeffluent analysis File: Download Thesis_Nick_Plaks.pdf Committee Members: Angelica Palomino, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAngelica Palomino, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. The Alkali-Silica Reaction in Alkali-Activated Fly Ash Concrete Open Access Author: Moraes Neves, Juliana Moraes Title: The Alkali-Silica Reaction in Alkali-Activated Fly Ash Concrete Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: Alkali-silica reactionalkali-activatedfly ashpore solution File: Download J.Neves_MS_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Farshad Rajabipour, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HETEROGENEOUS ICE NUCLEI IN THE ATMOSPHERE Open Access Author: Sihvonen, Sarah Kraft Title: CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HETEROGENEOUS ICE NUCLEI IN THE ATMOSPHERE Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: atmospheric aerosolice nucleationX-ray diffractionmineral dustclay mineralkaolinitemontmorillonitefly ashphotoacoustic File: Download Sihvonen_Dissertation_Final.pdf Committee Members: Miriam Arak Freedman, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. Investigation of Coal Combustion Residuals for Ceramic Applications and Production Open Access Author: Chop, Hannah Title: Investigation of Coal Combustion Residuals for Ceramic Applications and Production Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: Coalfly ashbottom ashceramicscoal wastewaste managementcoal rejectsustainability File: Download Chop_MSThesisFinal.pdf Committee Members: Barbara J Arnold, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSarma V Pisupati, Committee MemberJeremy Gernand, Program Head/ChairMohammad Rezaee, Committee Member
5. Study of Effective Experimental Approaches to Improve Hempcrete's Compressive Strength Open Access Author: Asghari Bareh Kheil, Nima Title: Study of Effective Experimental Approaches to Improve Hempcrete's Compressive Strength Graduate Program: Architectural Engineering Keywords: hempcretesustainable materialmagnesium oxidefly ashmetakaolinnano-silicacompactionmechanical properties.nano silicamechanical properties File: Download Nima-Asghari-Final-Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Ali M Memari, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorCorey Gracie-Griffin, Committee MemberJames Freihaut, Program Head/ChairEsther Adhiambo Obonyo, Committee MemberHojae Yi, Committee Member