1. Sensitivity of tropical cyclone potential intensity to observed near-surface conditions Open Access Author: Kowaleski, Alexander Michael Title: Sensitivity of tropical cyclone potential intensity to observed near-surface conditions Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: hurricanecycloneentropyfluxpotential intensity File: Download Kowaleski_thesis_Final_7_19.pdf Committee Members: Jenni Evans, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Mann, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKen Davis, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Foundations for Development of Three-Dimensional Energy Flux Acoustic Propagation Models Open Access Author: Langhirt, Mark Title: Foundations for Development of Three-Dimensional Energy Flux Acoustic Propagation Models Graduate Program: Acoustics Keywords: underwateracousticpropagationmodelenergyfluxthreedimensional File: Download 20241107_Langhirt_MScThesis.pdf Committee Members: Daniel C. Brown, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSheri Lynn Martinelli, Committee MemberJulianna Simon, Program Head/ChairVictor Ward Sparrow, Committee MemberCharles Holland, Committee Member