1. Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Red Hill Site near Hyner, Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Peterson, Daniel Adam Title: Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Red Hill Site near Hyner, Pennsylvania Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: fluvialDevoniantetrapodavulsionAcadian orogenyPennsylvaniaRed Hillstratigraphyfloodplainpaleosolsandstone File: Download Thesis_-_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Mark E Patzkowsky, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMARK E PATZKOWSKY, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. GEOMORPHOLOGY OF LATERALLY ADVECTED FAULT BLOCKS IN CONVERGENT OROGENS Open Access Author: Miller, Scott Ruthardt Title: GEOMORPHOLOGY OF LATERALLY ADVECTED FAULT BLOCKS IN CONVERGENT OROGENS Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: tectonic geomorphologyfault-bend foldlateral advectionfluvialhillslopeSouth Tibetan fault systemMain Frontal thrustSiwalik Hillslandscape evolution modelasymmetry File: Download ThesisMaster_v5.pdf Committee Members: Rudy L Slingerland, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDonald Myron Fisher, Committee MemberMark N Gahegan, Committee Member
3. Fine Sediment Deposition and Storage in Sandy-Fluvial Systems Open Access Author: Wysocki, Nathaniel P Title: Fine Sediment Deposition and Storage in Sandy-Fluvial Systems Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: fluvial sedimentologyfine sedimentsandy fluvial systemssedimentologysurface processesfluvial File: Download Wysocki_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Elizabeth Ann Hajek, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. Evaluating avulsion controls on fluvial sand body architecture and connectivity Open Access Author: Baisden, Tramond Rashard Title: Evaluating avulsion controls on fluvial sand body architecture and connectivity Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: geologyfluvialconnectivitypetroleum geologysedimentary geologyreservoir modellingwasatchlidaravulsion File: Download Baisden_Tramond_FinalThesis.pdf Committee Members: Elizabeth Ann Hajek, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDemian Saffer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRudy Slingerland, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor