1. Flipping the developmental mathematics classroom: An action research study Open Access Author: Diehl, Tara Elizabeth Title: Flipping the developmental mathematics classroom: An action research study Graduate Program: Adult Education Keywords: flipped classroomdevelopmental mathematicsinverted classroomaction research File: Download Dissertation_T_Diehl.pdf Committee Members: Edward W Taylor, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRobin Redmon Wright, Committee MemberJane Wilburne, Committee MemberSeth Wolpert, Committee Member
2. DISRUPTIVE PRACTICE IN SAUDI EFL STUDENT TEACHERS' LEARNING TO TEACH THROUGH FLIPPED CLASSROOM AND REHEARSAL: A GROUNDED THEORY STUDY Open Access Author: Al-Fahid, Mai Fahid Title: DISRUPTIVE PRACTICE IN SAUDI EFL STUDENT TEACHERS' LEARNING TO TEACH THROUGH FLIPPED CLASSROOM AND REHEARSAL: A GROUNDED THEORY STUDY Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: distruptive practicelearning to teachEFL preservice teachersteacher educatorsrehearsalflipped classroompractice pedagogyteacher educationsaudi arabiastudent teachers File: Download Alfahid_Dissertation_2017.pdf Committee Members: Anne Angiline Whitney, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnne Angiline Whitney, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJacqueline Reid-Walsh, Committee MemberJamie M. Myers, Committee MemberXiaofei Lu, Outside Member