1. Mutual Regulation of Parent-Infant Dyadic Interactions: Synchrony, Flexibility, and Relations with Contextual Factors Open Access Author: Bass , Anneliese J. Title: Mutual Regulation of Parent-Infant Dyadic Interactions: Synchrony, Flexibility, and Relations with Contextual Factors Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: dyadic interactionsparentinfantsynchronyflexibility File: Download AJB_Masters_Final_09.pdf Committee Members: Ginger A Moore, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorGinger A Moore, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Strategy Flexibility: A New View of Early Childhood Emotion Regulation Open Access Author: Tan, Patricia Z. Title: Strategy Flexibility: A New View of Early Childhood Emotion Regulation Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: emotion regulationemotionflexibilitypreschool children File: Download TanDissertation_StrategyFlexibility_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Pamela Marie Cole, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorPamela Marie Cole, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKristin Buss, Committee MemberClancy B Blair, Committee MemberJose Angel Soto, Committee Member
3. Flexibility of some dynamical and geometric data Open Access Author: Erchenko, Alena Title: Flexibility of some dynamical and geometric data Graduate Program: Mathematics Keywords: dynamical systemsgeodesic flowentropyflexibility File: Download AErchenko_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Anatole Katok, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnatole Katok, Committee Chair/Co-ChairFederico Rodriguez Hertz, Committee MemberAlexei Novikov, Committee MemberEric Hudson, Outside Member
4. Understanding the Associations Between Parent-Child Coregulation Patterns and Child Self-Regulation Open Access Author: Lobo, Frances Title: Understanding the Associations Between Parent-Child Coregulation Patterns and Child Self-Regulation Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: parent-child relationshipcoregulationcontingencysynchronyflexibilityself-regulation File: Download Lobo_Master_s_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Erika Sell Lunkenheimer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKristin Ann Buss, Committee MemberPamela Marie Cole, Committee Member