1. FINANCIAL PRACTICES OF PARTICIPANTS AFTER BANKRUPTCY EDUCATION: FOUR STEPS TO A SECURE FINANCIAL FUTURE Open Access Author: Welsh, Melissa Leiden Title: FINANCIAL PRACTICES OF PARTICIPANTS AFTER BANKRUPTCY EDUCATION: FOUR STEPS TO A SECURE FINANCIAL FUTURE Graduate Program: Youth and Family Education Keywords: financial educationpersonal financeCooperative ExtensionBankruptcyFamily and Consumer Sciences File: Download Melissa_Welsh_Master_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Cathy Faulcon Bowen, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorCathy Faulcon Bowen, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Case Study: Affective Learning Objectives Within a Workforce Financial Literacy Program Open Access Author: Yeckley, Brad Title: Case Study: Affective Learning Objectives Within a Workforce Financial Literacy Program Graduate Program: Workforce Education and Development Keywords: financial literacyfinancial educationworkforce educationfinancial well-beingpersonal financeHigher educationFinancial wellnessaffective domaincognitive domainfinancial education designbehavioral financefinancial psychologyfinancefinancial literacy designprogram designmotivationemotionattitudesUniversity Initiativesmoney managementcreditdebtborrowingsavingearningspendinginvestingconfidencemoney experieces File: Download Affective_Financial_Literacy_B_Yeckley.pdf Committee Members: Mark Threeton, Major Field MemberDavid Passmore, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorCynthia Pellock, Major Field MemberCathy Bowen, Outside Unit & Field MemberHeather Toomey Zimmerman, Program Head/Chair