1. Getting to the root of nematode chemotaxis: Manipulation of belowground plant-nematode interactions Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Zainuddin, Nursyafiqi Title: Getting to the root of nematode chemotaxis: Manipulation of belowground plant-nematode interactions Graduate Program: Entomology Keywords: nematodekinesistaxisvolatileexudatechemotaxisnon-volatileolfactometerbehaviorecological nicheenvironmental contextphytochemicalplant-nematodeevolutionparasitismplant defensecarbon dioxide File: Login to Download Committee Members: Jared Ali, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorMary Barbercheck, Major Field MemberWendy Hanna-Rose, Outside Unit & Field MemberGary Felton, Program Head/ChairEdwin Rajotte, Major Field MemberJared Ali, Chair & Dissertation Advisor