1. Interface Characterization and Defect Evolution of Coated Samples Under Thermal and Pressure Transients Open Access Author: Harris, Jason Thomas Title: Interface Characterization and Defect Evolution of Coated Samples Under Thermal and Pressure Transients Graduate Program: Engineering Science and Mechanics Keywords: gun tubecoatinggun barrelinterface characterizationthermal and pressure transientexplicitcohesive zone File: Download Jason_Harris_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Albert Eliot Segall, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorIvica Smid, Committee MemberPanagiotis Michaleris, Committee MemberSulin Zhang, Committee MemberRob Carter, Special Member
2. Rigorous and Explicit Determination of Hyperbolic Exponents and Reserves in Gas Decline Analysis Open Access Author: Stumpf, Thomas Newman Title: Rigorous and Explicit Determination of Hyperbolic Exponents and Reserves in Gas Decline Analysis Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: Arpshyperbolic declinetype curveboundary dominated flowexplicitrigorousnatural gas File: Download Thomas_Stumpf_-_Masters_Thesis_Final_2.pdf Committee Members: Luis F Ayala H, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Probabilistic Learning by Reinforcement and Approach of Reward Versus Avoidance of Punishment in Generalized Anxiety Disorder Open Access Author: Lafreniere, Lucas S Title: Probabilistic Learning by Reinforcement and Approach of Reward Versus Avoidance of Punishment in Generalized Anxiety Disorder Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: generalized anxiety disorderGADcognitive biaslearningoperant conditioningreinforcementpunishmentrewardprobabilistic learningimplicitexplicitProbabilistic Selection Task.Probabilistic Selection Task File: Download Master_sThesis_LaFreniere_Final_Vers2.pdf Committee Members: Michelle Newman, Ph.D., Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorStephen Wilson, Ph.D., Committee MemberRichard Carlson, Ph.D., Committee Member
4. Politically Motivated in Ways we Don't Know: Does Ideology Have an Implicit Component? Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Hemsey, Destiny Title: Politically Motivated in Ways we Don't Know: Does Ideology Have an Implicit Component? Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: political ideologypersonalityimplicitexplicitconditional reasoningincremental validity File: Login to Download Committee Members: Rustin David Meyer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJames Le Breton, Committee MemberKristin Buss, Program Head/ChairSean Laurent, Committee Member