1. Microscopic Study of Statistics, Spin and Excitons in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Open Access Author: Zhang, Yuhe Title: Microscopic Study of Statistics, Spin and Excitons in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Graduate Program: Physics Keywords: FQHEcomposite fermionbraid statisticsspinexcitonmicroscopic studyMonte Carlo File: Download YuheZhang-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Jainendra Jain, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJainendra Jain, Committee Chair/Co-ChairChaoxing Liu, Committee MemberNathan David Gemelke, Committee MemberIsmaila Dabo, Outside Member
2. SPIN- AND VALLEY- DEPENDENT EXCITONS IN ATOMICALLY THIN TRANSITION METAL DICHALCOGENIDES Open Access Author: Wang, Zefang Title: SPIN- AND VALLEY- DEPENDENT EXCITONS IN ATOMICALLY THIN TRANSITION METAL DICHALCOGENIDES Graduate Program: Physics Keywords: 2Dexcitontransition metal dichalcogenidesvalley File: Download ThesisZefangWang_01-28.pdf Committee Members: Mauricio Terrones, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorMauricio Terrones, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJie Shan, Committee MemberMoses H.W. Chan, Committee MemberVenkatraman Gopalan, Outside Member
3. INVESTIGATION OF EXCITONIC PROPERTIES AND HOT-CARRIER COOLING IN LEAD SULFIDE QUANTUM DOTS Open Access Author: Kennehan, Eric Ronald Title: INVESTIGATION OF EXCITONIC PROPERTIES AND HOT-CARRIER COOLING IN LEAD SULFIDE QUANTUM DOTS Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: SpectroscopyTransient AbsorptionQuantum DotsLead SulfidePerylene DiimidePhononelectron-phononPbSFlash photolysiselectro-opticalexciton File: Download Kennehan_Eric_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: John B Asbury, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohn B Asbury, Committee Chair/Co-ChairPaul S Cremer, Committee MemberMark Maroncelli, Committee MemberEnrique Daniel Gomez, Outside MemberPhilip C Bevilacqua, Program Head/Chair