1. PREDICTABILITY AND DYNAMICS OF THE 9-10 JUN 2003 SQUALL LINE AND BOW ECHO EVENT DURING BAMEX Open Access Author: Melhauser, Christopher Lee Title: PREDICTABILITY AND DYNAMICS OF THE 9-10 JUN 2003 SQUALL LINE AND BOW ECHO EVENT DURING BAMEX Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: squall lineensemble forecastspredictabilitybow echo File: Download Melhauser_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Fuqing Zhang, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorFuqing Zhang, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. EVOLUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF ENSEMBLE FORECASTS THROUGH CLUSTERING Open Access Author: Kuruppumullage Don, Prabhani Title: EVOLUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF ENSEMBLE FORECASTS THROUGH CLUSTERING Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: ensemble forecastspath clusteringModel-based clusteringcyclones File: Download ThesisPrabhaniFinal.pdf Committee Members: Francesca Chiaromonte, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorFrancesca Chiaromonte, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Novel Methods for Exploring the Limits of Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Open Access Author: Kowaleski, Alexander Michael Title: Novel Methods for Exploring the Limits of Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: tropical cyclonespotential intensityensemble forecastsclustering File: Download Kowaleski_Thesis_1027.pdf Committee Members: Jenni Evans, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJenni Evans, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGeorge Spencer Young, Committee MemberFuqing Zhang, Committee MemberFrancesca Chiaromonte, Outside Member