1. Natural Gas Supply Vulnerability in Europe Open Access Author: Gungor, Bekir Oray Title: Natural Gas Supply Vulnerability in Europe Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: gas supply securitygas vulnerabilityenergy securitynatural gas supplygas in Europe File: Download 1-Masters_Thesis_Bekir_Oray_GUNGOR.pdf Committee Members: Anastasia V Shcherbakova, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. A Global Characterization of Adaptations Addressing Vulnerabilities Across the Food-Energy-Water Nexus Open Access Author: Torhan, Sarah Title: A Global Characterization of Adaptations Addressing Vulnerabilities Across the Food-Energy-Water Nexus Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: climate changeadaptationfood-energy-water nexusfood securitywater securityenergy security File: Download Torhan_Masters_Thesis_Fall_2021.pdfDownload Table_B-1.xlsx Committee Members: Caitlin A Grady, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorLauren Mc Phillips, Committee MemberPatrick Fox, Program Head/ChairNathaniel Richard Warner, Committee Member