1. Testing the Viability of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as a Fracking Fluid by Computing its Chemical Interaction with Illite Open Access Author: Ajayi, Oluwaseyi Adebola Title: Testing the Viability of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as a Fracking Fluid by Computing its Chemical Interaction with Illite Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: molecular modelingfrackinghydraulic fracturingmarcellus shalesupercritical CO2illitedensity functional theorymolecular dynamicsDFTDFT-MDscCO2interfacial tensioninterfacial energyinteraction energyVASPenergy minimization File: Download seyi_ajayi_ms_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Dr. James Kubicki, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr. Michael Arthur, Committee MemberDr. Derek Elsworth, Committee MemberDr. Demian Saffer, Committee Member