1. Dynamical electron-proton correlation in the nuclear-electronic orbital framework Open Access Author: Swalina, Chester W Title: Dynamical electron-proton correlation in the nuclear-electronic orbital framework Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: dynamical correlationelectronproton File: Download ChetSwalina-Dissertattion.pdf Committee Members: Sharon Hammes Schiffer, Committee Chair/Co-ChairBarbara Jane Garrison, Committee MemberJames David Kubicki, Committee MemberKarl Todd Mueller, Committee Member
2. Effects of Superconductor Electron Screening on Fusion Reaction Rates Open Access Author: Fazel, Kamron C Title: Effects of Superconductor Electron Screening on Fusion Reaction Rates Graduate Program: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: hydridepalladiumexperimentelectronionscreeningenergyfusionsuperconductordeuteridemagnesium diboride File: Download Fazel_MS_thesis_Superconductor_Fusion_Enhancement.pdf Committee Members: Kostadin Nikolov Ivanov, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKostadin Nikolov Ivanov, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. The Charged Particle Veto System of the Cosmic Ray Electron Synchrotron Telescope Open Access Author: Geske, Matthew Thomas Title: The Charged Particle Veto System of the Cosmic Ray Electron Synchrotron Telescope Graduate Program: Physics Keywords: cosmic rayelectronhigh-energyballoonembedded-fiber File: Download Matthew_Geske_Dissertation_FinalCV-v3.pdf Committee Members: Stephane Coutu, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorIrina Mocioiu, Committee MemberMiguel Mostafa, Committee MemberDonald P Schneider, Committee Member