1. Fabrication of Nanostructured Copper Oxide via Anodization in Organic Electrolytes Open Access Author: Scopelianos, George Evan Title: Fabrication of Nanostructured Copper Oxide via Anodization in Organic Electrolytes Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: foilcopper oxidepotentiostaticanodizationanodic oxidationelectrochemistrynanotubenanowirenanostructurephotoelectrochemicalphotocurrentsolar cellwater splittingmetal oxideelectrolyteethylene glycoldimethyl sulfoxideaqueous File: Download GES_M.S._Thesis_V2.pdf Committee Members: Joan Marie Redwing, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJoan Marie Redwing, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. EFFECTS OF ELECTROLYTE ON THE CATHODE PERFORMANCE OF MICROBIAL FUEL CELLS AND MICROBIAL ELECTROLYSIS CELLS Open Access Author: Shahidi Pour Savizi, Iman Title: EFFECTS OF ELECTROLYTE ON THE CATHODE PERFORMANCE OF MICROBIAL FUEL CELLS AND MICROBIAL ELECTROLYSIS CELLS Graduate Program: Chemical Engineering Keywords: DFTMFCMECadsorptionelectrolyte File: Download Iman_MSc_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Michael John Janik, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael John Janik, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. INORGANIC-ORGANIC ELECTROLYTE MATERIALS FOR ENERGY APPLICATIONS Open Access Author: Fei, Shih-To Title: INORGANIC-ORGANIC ELECTROLYTE MATERIALS FOR ENERGY APPLICATIONS Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: lithium batteryelectrolytePhosphazenefuel cellsolar cellactuator File: Download Shih_To_Fei_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Harry R Allcock, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorHarry R Allcock, Committee Chair/Co-ChairTom Mallouk, Committee MemberMary Beth Williams, Committee MemberMark William Horn, Committee Member
4. Surface Control in Pursuit of Next-generation Batteries Open Access Author: Gordin, Mikhail Title: Surface Control in Pursuit of Next-generation Batteries Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: batteryenergy storagelithium-ionlithium-sulfursodium-ionelectrolytesolid-electrolyte interphasesurface analysis File: Download Mikhail_L_Gordin_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Donghai Wang, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorChao Yang Wang, Committee MemberHosam Kadry Fathy, Committee MemberSulin Zhang, Committee Member
5. Study of fluorinated ether-based electrolyte for high-voltage lithium ion batteries and functional porous sulfur cathode for lithium sulfur batteries Open Access Author: Shi, Pei Title: Study of fluorinated ether-based electrolyte for high-voltage lithium ion batteries and functional porous sulfur cathode for lithium sulfur batteries Graduate Program: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Lithium ion batteryelectrolyteLithium sulfur batteryPorous cathodeHigh voltage electrolyte File: Download Thesis-Pei_Shi.pdf Committee Members: Donghai Wang, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorPhillip E Savage, Program Head/ChairSeong Han Kim, Committee MemberCostas D Maranas, Committee Member