1. Novel approaches for improving the performance and reliability of OLED lighting Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Kim, Taehwan Title: Novel approaches for improving the performance and reliability of OLED lighting Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: OLED lightingOLEDorganic semiconductorthermal deposition modelinghigh aspect ratio OLEDTeflon-diluted organic semiconductorselectrical injectionelectrical transportelectroabsorptionmobilityenergetic disorderkirigami3D OLED lightingperformance and reliability of OLED lightingflexible OLEDpercolation transport File: Login to Download Committee Members: Tom Jackson, Major Field MemberNoel Giebink, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorMehdi Kiani, Major Field MemberMadhavan Swaminathan, Program Head/ChairJohn Asbury, Outside Unit & Field Member