1. COMPUTATIONAL MODELING OF AN 8-GHz MICROWAVE ELECTROTHERMAL THRUSTER Open Access Author: DeForce Jr. , Christopher Allen Title: COMPUTATIONAL MODELING OF AN 8-GHz MICROWAVE ELECTROTHERMAL THRUSTER Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: microwave electrothermal thrusterMETcomputational modelingCOMSOLChris DeForceelectromagneticsfluid mechanicsplasmaelectric propulsiondeforce File: Download MS_Thesis_Chris_DeForce.pdf Committee Members: Michael Matthew Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Matthew Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSven G Bilen, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Design And Development of a 30-GHz Microwave Electrothermal Thruster Open Access Author: Capalungan, Erica E. Title: Design And Development of a 30-GHz Microwave Electrothermal Thruster Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Microwave Electrothermal ThrusterMETelectric propulsion File: Download MS_Thesis_Capalungan.pdf Committee Members: Michael Matthew Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Matthew Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSven G Bilen, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF AN 8-GHz MICROWAVE ELECTROTHERMAL THRUSTER Open Access Author: Blum, Jacob Title: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF AN 8-GHz MICROWAVE ELECTROTHERMAL THRUSTER Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: METmicrowave electrothermal thrusterelectric propulsionaerospace engineering File: Download Masters_Thesis_Jacob_Blum.pdf Committee Members: Michael Matthew Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Matthew Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. DESIGN OPTIMIZATION AND DIRECT THRUST MEASUREMENT OF AN 8-GHz MICROWAVE ELECTROTHERMAL THRUSTER Open Access Author: Hopkins, Jeffrey Robert Title: DESIGN OPTIMIZATION AND DIRECT THRUST MEASUREMENT OF AN 8-GHz MICROWAVE ELECTROTHERMAL THRUSTER Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: electrothermalelectric propulsionthrust measurment File: Download Hopkins_Masters_Thesis_-_final.pdf Committee Members: Michael Matthew Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Matthew Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSven G Bilen, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
5. Testing and optimizaton of a miniature microwave ion thruster Open Access Author: Taunay, Pierre-Yves Title: Testing and optimizaton of a miniature microwave ion thruster Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: microwave ion thrusterMMITelectric propulsionelectron cyclotron resonance heatingminiature microwave ion thruster File: Download PY_Taunay_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Michael Matthew Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSven G Bilen, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
6. Design and Development of a K-Band Microwave Electrothermal Thruster Open Access Author: Mainwaring, Philip B Title: Design and Development of a K-Band Microwave Electrothermal Thruster Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: microwave electrothermal thrusterelectric propulsionspace propulsionmicrowave plasmaplasma propulsionresonant cavity File: Download thesis.pdf Committee Members: Sven G Bilen, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Matthew Micci, Committee MemberGeorge A Lesieutre, Committee Member
7. PROTOTYPING AND OPTIMIZATION OF A MINIATURE MICROWAVE-FREQUENCY ION THRUSTER Open Access Author: Asif, Mohammed Title: PROTOTYPING AND OPTIMIZATION OF A MINIATURE MICROWAVE-FREQUENCY ION THRUSTER Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: space propulsionplasma propulsionpropulsionelectric propulsionrocket propulsionion enginesmicrowave thrusterion thrusterexperimental research on electric propulsioncomputational research on electric propulsionminiaturization of electric propulsionion thrusters for CubeSatselectric propulsion for CubeSats File: Download Asif_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Sven Bilen, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael M. Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAmy Ruth Pritchett, Committee Member
8. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Non-ionized Dipole Gases for Electromagnetic Propulsion Open Access Author: Contri, Jeffrey Title: Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Non-ionized Dipole Gases for Electromagnetic Propulsion Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: molecular dynamicssimulationwaterelectric propulsionelectromagnetic propulsionAbraham effectisland hopping File: Download MS_Thesis_moldyn_-_Draft_5.pdf Committee Members: Dr. Michael Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr. Amy Pritchett, Committee MemberDr. Sven Bilen, Committee Member
9. Vacuum Chamber Experiments of Beamed Microwave Energy Propulsion Open Access Author: Nigay, Natalia Title: Vacuum Chamber Experiments of Beamed Microwave Energy Propulsion Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: beamed-energy propulsionelectric propulsionadvanced propulsion conceptvacuum chamber experimentspropulsionspacecraft File: Download BMEP_MSThesis_Nigay_Final.pdf Committee Members: Amy Pritchett, Program Head/ChairSven G Bilén, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJesse Kane Mc Ternan, Committee Member