1. Geomechanical Properties of Marcellus Shale Core Samples within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework Open Access Author: Call, Travis T Title: Geomechanical Properties of Marcellus Shale Core Samples within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: geomechanical propertiesfracture toughnesstensile strengthelastic modulusBrinell hardnessMarcellus shale File: Download Call_thesis_final.pdf Committee Members: James Terry Engelder, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr Rudy Slingerland, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorChris J Marone, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Investigation into the Effects of Fixation on the Mechanical Properties of Acute Ischemic Stroke Embolus Analogs Open Access Author: Hiller, Gretchen Title: Investigation into the Effects of Fixation on the Mechanical Properties of Acute Ischemic Stroke Embolus Analogs Graduate Program: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: acute ischemic strokestrokeclotthrombosisembolizationblood analogmechanicalviscoelasticelastic modulushistology File: Download Hiller_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Keefe B Manning, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorFrancesco Costanzo, Committee MemberDaniel Hayes, Program Head/ChairPeter Butler, Committee Member
3. Using a Gaussian based model to upcycle seaweed waste into bioplastics with tunable mechanical and material properties Open Access Author: Cummings, Christine Title: Using a Gaussian based model to upcycle seaweed waste into bioplastics with tunable mechanical and material properties Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: bioplasticgaussian processregressionoptimizationseaweedmechanical propertywater absorptionelastic modulus File: Download Cummings_Christine_MS_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Tak Sing Wong, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorXiang Yang, Committee MemberDaniel Haworth, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate Studies